Ratsasan : A movie with Thriller and suspense on its edge. Movie Title : Ratsasan Origin : South India Hindi Dubbed : Main Hoon Dandadhikari Directed by : Ram Kumar Overview Ratsasan is a movie with lots of thriller factors like an abnormal Syco Serial killer which is the main component of the movie and a Cop with his great visions who tries solve case which creates an intense Suspense and thriller in this movie. Aslo syco killer has its own story who was a magician at a time and now he uses his magic tricks for his unethical pleasure which leads to this serial killing of schools girls. Reviewing Movie The story starts with the hero of the movie "Arun" who wants to be film director and he is struggling for a chance. He had studied so many crime scenes and had written some thriller scripts. But because of family pressure he has to join the job of a cop. The story starts now, the cop found a dead body of a girl which was not a normal murder and after some days the cop founds...
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